It'll be really cheap since this is a first run. I'll let you know, just want to get a head count before deciding how many we will purchase. We aim to not make a lot money on these, the payments will just cover the expenses of the prints themselves and maybe if we are lucky a few months of website rchecka - OP: Periodic Table of Hip Hop Elements
LOL and more LOL... Very fun! Make one for yourself at vipidme.comby rchecka - General Discussion
^Click to zoom in... There will be a small run of posters available within the next week or so, here's a proof! I'll let you know here before dropping em on the main site. If anyone wants a copy of this extremely limited pressing, holler here I'll make sure I got you rchecka - OP: Periodic Table of Hip Hop Elements
Just copped this, NICE! I Learned The Hard Way (limited 11 x 7" box set –plus booklet, instrumentals and bonus track) not cheap!by rchecka - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Last night I bumped these... Blackbyrds - Flying High and some great rock joints... Bad Brains is a no brainer, must have rock. Why they would mention it was on black vinyl as a selling point is beyond me since 99 percent of records are on black vinyl. That Truth and Janey is really great stoner rock from the 70s, nice thoughtful repress of a private press from an Iowanby rchecka - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
LOL. Cheap? Thrifty maybe, but not cheap... More like sleep... I keep getting damn out of stock notices cuz I sleep too long before checking out. It usually sells the same day it's listed online. It will be mine next time, I should get a notification email rchecka - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Quoteuptownkid anyone check his last effort, that came out last year? the collaboration album with Wordsmith.... peace. I haven't heard that, I'd be curious to hear it too. But didn't they know Black Eyed Peas already named one of their albums that before they started to suck really bad? You'd think they woulda at least googled that or something just to make suby rchecka - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
That Alma Vasquez is fire. Thanks for sharing that rchecka - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Anyone got this reggae version produced by Ticklah? Curious about rchecka - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
I hear you, a lot of em are filler due to a time void, but some of them definitely belong on the album and make the album what it is. IE De La's first two albums. Actually even their later skits "Ghost weed" etc are hilarious, at least the first time you hear em. There are some really funny ones out there that are well played with the right sound effects, I like em for the mostby rchecka - OP: Periodic Table of Hip Hop Elements
LMAO! I can't even find a smiley that represents that much rchecka - General Discussion
I think it's a good title, I'm just thinking about mine. Spice 1 would be on my list for rchecka - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
These kind of threads (this one and the Hater one) are just one of the main reasons me and P wanted to do a forum. Forums are the best way to get real opinions and contributions from real heads. Besides "skits", are there any other elements that should be nominated as an addition or were blatantly missed? Please read the prerequisites for nominations on the Process page (Basicby rchecka - OP: Periodic Table of Hip Hop Elements
...or if not using flash click here for jpg. Negative feedback = growth. Regarding the Periodic Table of Hip Hop Elements... All feedback is good, even from Haters hating on Hater. What elements don't belong? Which ones are questionable? Which ones don't you understand or need to be moved or clarified? Are you a purist who believes there are only 4 elements aby rchecka - OP: Periodic Table of Hip Hop Elements
So as I listened to the "ass breath pill" skit on Coup's "Pick a Bigger Weapon" LP today, it became even more obvious that skits on Hip Hop albums is something that is widespread and uniquely related to Hip Hop. It's a comedy routine, born courtesy of De La Soul, and since that time it's been done, (sometimes overdone) and done again on possibly hundreds of Hipby rchecka - OP: Periodic Table of Hip Hop Elements
Yeah, Uptown mentioned I'm sleeping on that, I guess I better cop it before it's rchecka - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
LOL. Every MC has some WTF lyrics, that's not his worst for sure, but he spits fire most of the time IMO. Compared to a lot of MCs in his peak era he's fairly slept on rchecka - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Word cap, that's why we're lucky yer on board. Big ups. Great beats there, keep doin it rchecka - OP: Periodic Table of Hip Hop Elements
One of my top 5 overweight rchecka - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Quotedj d-lite QuoteJesper Quoterchecka Ramsey Louis is the man. How's that Cadet records album Jesper? Very nice, but pretty straight-forward piano-driven souljazz. Lot's of his albums from the period sound similar. The one w Les Fleurs (used for Jazz Thing) is the doper one from that period IMO. It also has the original track for Case Of PTA - Leaders. Good info, thanks guby rchecka - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Quoteakademik I just picked up Damu the Fudgemunk's Supply for Demand, dope record. Actually, I just bought that too man. Waiting for the mailman to drop that one off. Can't wait to finally hear his production on wax. One Be Low has a few good joints, no rchecka - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Hell yeah. "I got hose like firemen!" - GSby rchecka - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
haven't heard that kurious joint. Good rchecka - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Hell yeah, Sharon Jones is one funky diva. I love her voice, very powerful, very soulful. Daptones providing the instrumentals... Can't go wrong with anything in her catalog. I have most of her LPs. I'll admit, I still haven't gotten the latest LP she dropped. I heard it was amazing rchecka - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
COMPUTERS, good to see you man! This kid has some beats, check em if you get a chance. Same as Fly, we are lucky to have some young cats like these 2 that have serious potential to make real moves, IMO. welcome rchecka - General Discussion
Thanks for mentioning that, I didn't know you could do it with a smartphone. Red cross is a no brainer too. It's really a bad situation over there, I'm sure you guys have seen some of the footage, it's rchecka - General Discussion
Don't MAKE me bust out YMCA people!! (threat) It gets even the grandparents out on the floor! Apparently LeBron James likes it LOL I'll embed that mp3 right here if yall don't start posting, I swear to God I'll do it! DON'T MAKE ME DO IT rchecka - General Discussion
So Official Periodic Forum is about one week old now. I guess we need an ice breaker to get the shy kids out on the dance floor. Maybe me and Uptown gotta spike the punch bowl with vodka or play YMCA or something. I know, it's only been a week, but it's time for yall to come out your shells and start a thread or two yourselves. At this point I wouldn't careby rchecka - General Discussion
Welcome aboard brainchild!by rchecka - General Discussion
...if not using Flash click here for jpg. See Link: External Elements Page ^That page could be very useful to Hip Hop heads if it had a lot more on it. Right now, it's pretty basic, but with your help this could have all kinds of useful links related to the Hip Hop Elements. We're trying to keep it real by making it obvious which links are affiliates of OP and which ones areby rchecka - OP: Periodic Table of Hip Hop Elements