Isiah Rashad dropped one of the best projects of the year in Cilvia Demo EP to my ears. Blows away any of the other recent TDE stuff. (ScHoolboy Q was a flop, Ab-Soul straddled the mainstream too heavily). Cilvia Demo is a really special project, I hope he can keep it up as well as garner the attention he deserves. I haven't gotten to the bottom of the Young Thug hype but can say forby vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Tonight's late night listening session. Sorry for the glare on The Temptations album, it's called Psychedelic Shack. The sheer amount of records in their catalog and line-up switches has kept me away from many of their records for fear of a picking up a dud, but this is quality through and through. The Dexter Wansel album came from a few crates of free records dropped off byby vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Ned Doheny: Jackson Browne writing about Ned Doheny and his talent/relevance for Rolling Stone earlier this vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Everything I've seen from Kepler seems to be fire! Great stuff. Been needing this, it's the first Impressions album sans Curtis Mayfield with my man Leroy Hutson out front instead. I can't recall (or maybe never confirmed) if Hutson was only on this one Impressions record. There might be one more with him on there. In either case, copped for like $6 at my local spot. Copy lby vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
I actually went to the exhibit in which Bam's record were on display in NYC last year. Flipped through quite a few of them (there was a turntable there that you could play records on too). Truthfully there was loads of crap (I imagine it was pretty well picked through). I know Academy Records in Brooklyn was selling off some records from the collection for a $1 apiece at some point this weekby vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Philly this Saturday...definitely trying to go!by vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Posted this elsewhere as well, sorry for the plug. I rode around with Jay when he was installing signs here in Philly a couple weeks ago. Wrote about it briefly vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Talib wrote a piece about the interview on Medium. Really solid stuff. Always an educated perspective and never an ego with Talib. I'll admit that I'm burned out on his music for the most part but I'm glad he's carrying the torch nonetheless. EDIT: Here's the vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Yes, you need to cop this for real rchecka! No sleeping allowed! JB, all is well! I need to get back in here more frequently. I know lurking is frowned vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
They did a great job with this. The "book"/linernotes itself (written by Brian Coleman) is awesome. Sound quality is good on the records themselves as well as should be expected by Kay Dee. Already had some fun mixing these vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Quotejaybrown the rest of the Gummy Soul crew never really interested me I'd say he was the talent for vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Great stuff. I interviewed him earlier this year about the project. Definitely a very knowledgeable and passionate dude. He parted ways with his former label and it seemed like there may have been some differences of opinion. His dad is actually a super prolific Jazz musician in his own vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
I don't think sampling is going anywhere though like jaybrown said it's getting real expensive for mainstream artists. Still, Kanye's latest album had that outlier that was the Soulful sample-based joint and he didn't even clear it properly and got hit with a suit! Plenty of artists outside of the big label scene and public eye are still all over those same Stax and Blue Noby vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
I actually just listened to that Lauryn Hill record all the way through today. JB, can you confirm that that pressing is quiet as hell? Every time I play that record I forget how loud I have to crank it up. I'm pretty sure I have a US OG as well (I think this only got one reissue unless there's some boots out there). Also, JB, what do you think of the Kelis album? I was looking outby vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
QuoteDJBoomBap Yo, can you keep an eye out for Naughty By Nature's Dirt All By My Lonely 12" please. I'm sure rchecka will come up on that in the collection (or there's a very good chance), but that's an easy-to-find slice. Peep here and I'm sure you'll find a worthy vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Copped for $14.99 + shipping on Ebay the other day. Glad to finally have this on vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
It's good. He really settled into his best boogie/funkiness directly after this one though. Still, this one has some heat on it and is a no-brainer if you like him IMO, particularly as it's a softer Soul side. I just need his solo debut as an OG and I think I'll be mostly good to go with his discography (I need to get the first Impressions record he sang on but it's hard to fiby vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
That Pinata album is fantastic. Big fan. Still need to grab on vinyl. "Harold's" is my favorite. Hit a flea-market over the weekend and ended up coming up. Was looking through shitty classic Rock (no offense meant on the generalization) and easy-listening for a while before scooting over to Soul and Funk. Once I found my place I was in heaven and realized the dude was obvby vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Great pics and finds. I've never cherry-picked a collection even close to that size. Looks exhausting and exhilarating. I can imagine you were both running on fumes at many points during the process. Congrats!by vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Quoterchecka Quotejaybrown I guess the Rhettmatic joint is only a cd release? Yep. All their current mixtapes are strictly CD. I don't know of any of their mixes that got the vinyl treatment. Would you want mixes on vinyl just out of curiosity? I usually pass on those, always struck me as a bit off to put a break mix (or any mix) on vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
^^ nice. Speaking of records that have been filed away and forgot about. I didn't know where to put this record when I bought it so it ended up shuffled around and next to a bunch of crappy Rock for some reason. As I was moving some records out of my shelves to make space, there it was! This is the only track I can't get enough of, rest of it has a little too much cheese on it for mby vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Isaiah Rashad is the newest signee on the TDE label (Kendrick Lamar, ScHoolboy Q, etc.) and his Cilvia Demo released recently is very good IMO. He's from TN and definitely worth checking out. On the TDE tip, ScHoolboy Q is about to release a new album as well called Oxymoron. Can't recommend it yet, but that will be in the 'news.' OC and producer Ray West just released aby vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Nice one, gotta grab vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Quoterchecka at I'm not a big mp3 guy but I still gotta get these digitally eventually, might as well be now for free. You're unlikely to get them officially digitally any other way (besides ripping CD's/vinyl) given that De La hasn't been able to get their music on digital retailers for years. Damn shame, but understandable given uncleared sby vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
I know you guys didn't stop buying records! Unfortunately I'm stuck in South Carolina in a hotel on business so I don't have my recent picks nearby (I wish!). In any case, will have to post up some highlights when I'm back in Philly. I did pick up some of Chopped Herrings recent drops, particularly the Philly-friendly stuff!by vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Had some back trouble over the last couple days, spent a couple hours lying on the floor with headphones on listening to Stevie Wonder last night. "Summer Soft" took me to a happy vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
That ALC/Boldy album is tuff. Got a review copy a few weeks back and I've been listening a lot, makes me wish I still drove as it's perfect riding vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Seeing this mad late, unfortunately I can't help here as I don't recognize it either. Good to see K-Def got back on Twitter, he's a little on and off with the social media. If you can't get an answer let me know and I'll hit him up on email or Facebook. Relevant, anybody peep those Real Live instrumentals dropping on Slice of Spice? Haven't picked up yet but willby vamosarapiar - CDC Track ID
Plenty of knowledge dropped in this thread. Much appreciate vamosarapiar - Crate Digging: Hip Hop