Yes gutted! Even worse that it was suicide. Poor soul!by deathhop - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Yeah, really like this. Never heard it before. Thanks!!!by deathhop - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
WOW! ... out of my price range I'm deathhop - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Yes mate, but a first run of this "remixed" version of that LP also has the Steve Miller sample (mine included luckily ). But because they blew up on this one, it was highlighted to Steve Miller and was pulled from the shelves and replaced with a Lynyrd Skynyrd sample. Which in my opinion is much weaker (sorry if you already know all this). I was just curious how many of the Geto Boysby deathhop - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Dug the Geto Boys LP out the other day, after reading the 331/3 book. Pretty good read if you have an interest in early southern hip hop. On another note, does anyone know how many Gangster of Love (Steve Miller sample) pressings were made before it got pulled?by deathhop - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
I saw that Paul Daniels show when it originally aired. deathhop - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
...and here's my classic 70s Sony separate... Note the 70s portable turntable on top (Fidelity HF42).by deathhop - General Discussion
Here's another I recently got rid of, although I do still have the detachable walkman:by deathhop - General Discussion
Here's my box, had this since around 88, still going deathhop - General Discussion
Yeah, quite odd what they ban. I had a mix that started with this track. Relatively obscure I would of thought. Banned!?! Edit: I've just checked who else is on the same label, some big names and Virgin/Branson related. Quite possibly a label thing?by deathhop - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Here's the direct quote: The following uploads have been removed from your profile as we believe they contain copyright protected material belonging to a third party. If we’re wrong, or if you believe you have the rights to distribute this content, you can let us know by disputing the claim — just click on the button below. If you are unsure about whether to dispute the claim, please cheby deathhop - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
You can download from both mixcloud and soundcloud using (albeit with limited quality) Personally I have accounts on both, but prefer mixcloud as its free and hasnt blocked an upload yet (soundcloud has blocked most things I've tried to deathhop - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Sad times, I did use the site (for uploads and downloads) and was surprised it stayed off the radar for so long. Goodbye deathhop - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Always enjoyed a bit of Barry Adamson. deathhop - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Interesting comments. I've read some terrible reviews from people I know, and people I don't. Guess I'd better check it out deathhop - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
This is a mix I did about a year ago:by deathhop - Member Submissions
Another recent discovery, I'll be checking out their older stuff deathhop - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
Great interview mate. Enjoyed reading that... and looking forward to some new stuff!by deathhop - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
I've just discovered Causa Sui, and thought I'd share. Stoner / Psyche / Rock. Need to investigate further. Any fans? Recommends? The link doesnt appear to work. Youtube - Causa Sui - The deathhop - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
I finally received a response from Mark "45 King" James on this track, which was - "sorry i don't have it". The closest I've got to a story, is that Mark handed Westwood this track on a tape when the Flavor Unit were touring UK (88/89). I have contacted Westwoods PA, who says he doesn't have it to hand?!? So unless someone has access to Westwoods collectiby deathhop - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Good deal. If you got it from Dusty I was gonna yell at you for buying it faster than me. I tried buying it and got the sold out notification. Buying from the US is a rare occasion these days, since the shipping costs are crazy. Years ago I regularly bought from Turntable Lab and Dusty Grooves but there was a hike in shipping costs 15+ years ago so I stopped. I dont get it. It costs me aroundby deathhop - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Discogs £5!by deathhop - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Just picked this up, (I'm filling in gaps from my youth): Mainly for this tune, which I believe is the only way you can get it:by deathhop - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Personally, I think the latest Radiohead LP is their deathhop - Crate Digging: Non Hip Hop
I did this on a counter top and on the turntable. I found the turntable swithed on much easier to control, I got a much more even and thin layer. Which dried much quicker. I also did a water/isopropyl clean afterwards. Agreed, its a last resort and definitely helps when all else fails. Unless you own some pro cleaning deathhop - Turntable Help and Technical Questions
Whilst working at home, 2 deathhop - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Cheers, I wasn't sure where best to put deathhop - Turntable Help and Technical Questions
Just thought I'd throw this one in, as I found the process generally positive. I've been playing more vinyl recently, due to doing some online sets and endevoring once again into the world of learning to scratch. So digging through my collection and finding some favourites with quite a bit of surface noise I decided to try the PVA glue method of cleaning. Tried 3 records each time peby deathhop - Turntable Help and Technical Questions
As far as I'm concerned there are 2 decent tracks, Run the Jewels and the Ernie Fresh collab (and one of those is practically ruined with the use of a fake vinyl crackle). I understand Shadow is trying to stretch boundaries and himself, but in doing so hes created an LP that I can only describe as a hipster mixtape trying to impress with diversity. It lacks flow and cohesion. He's losby deathhop - Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Today I listened to DJ Shadows new offering. Not exactly memorable. I'll save my more abusive tirade and let you all check it out deathhop - Crate Digging: Hip Hop