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Recheck do they have he lost footage of the performers. That I would love to see because t he mind remembers by so much without visual reinforcement.
LES Lady
Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Hey baby boy bother what's good. Can't say I have but I'm sure my other half has. He loves all those food shows.
LES Lady
Crate Digging: Hip Hop
Is there anyone who's good. I mean one sounds like the next so if I heard on I've heard them all .
LES Lady
Crate Digging: Hip Hop
thank you for the bday wishes. as I told Rchecka I spent it on a cruise with my family. turened the big 50
LES Lady
General Discussion
I really wish they would but I doubt like Rchecka said that it will happen.
LES Lady
Crate Digging: Hip Hop
you got jokes lil bro my lilman keepsme occupied 3 yrs old already
LES Lady
General Discussion
kiss my ass (to my boss)
one more time (after playing with my son)
LES Lady
General Discussion
thank you for the birthday wishes and it was probably me i was with a large group of girls lol those were the days wish i could do it up like that again
LES Lady
General Discussion
Wow those pics are taking it back. I'm not going to ask that you take them
I remember all the names mentioned. some I liked others I didn't.
I'm gulity of not getting on and contributing as much as i'd like. between longer work hours and my little man I don't get much me time
LES Lady
General Discussion
you guys got jokes. I love that type of stuff. and wives with knives is the show. investigative tv all day on saturday. lol
LES Lady
General Discussion
The first 48
the first 48 after
wives with knives
who the bleep did I marry
game of thornes
true blood
those are what come to mind right now.
LES Lady
General Discussion
Wow has it really been 40 years. it's hard to be it's been that long. And you know what fellas I rocked the shoe laces also. and yes that box style took forever to get done. and the Puma Clyde was my favorite shoe. i had the Blue Black and grey and a brown and beige. I miss the break beats. I mean although they were all using the same breaks each DJ cut the song a little different
LES Lady
Crate Digging: Hip Hop
I have to agree. Too many to name a favorite but what I do know is I couldn't do most of those moves if my life depended on it.
LES Lady
Crate Digging: Hip Hop
I used to like Wendy's and ate it just about everyone of my college days.
LES Lady
General Discussion
I haven't shared this with you guys because I wasn't ready to. My dad passed away Nov 4 2012. I have been trying to deal with the loss for a minute now. That coupled with the idiots I work for and the lack of compassion I got from those I work for made it more difficult. I'm doing better but I'm taking it day by day. some days are better than others. I miss my dad and wish
LES Lady
General Discussion
Hey everyone. I'm seaching for music from a group called shotgun. i'm looking for their album titled shotgun 4. does anyone know this group. I never heard of them but my brothe is seaching for this.
thanks in advance.
LES Lady
General Discussion
Yse Beatmaster I'm doing ok. Had a ruff end of the year but I've got to move on.
LES Lady
General Discussion
What ten city album was that. I know the one with Devotion, That's the way love goes etc. And yes they were one of the best do house music.
LES Lady
General Discussion
I like that band of the hand also. use to see it onece a year haven't seen it in a long time.
LES Lady
General Discussion
I watched for colored girls for the first time last night. I enjoyed it. only issue Janet Jackson cant act andi felt like I was looking at michael.
LES Lady
General Discussion
you remember
earth shoes
quarterfields (not sure of the spelling)
when nikes, filas, pumas etc made their debut lol
michael jackson was black (lol)
tell time on a clock that's not digital
LES Lady
General Discussion
I've been MIA for the past few weeks. dealing with a lot.
LES Lady
General Discussion
it's pretty quiet in the Bronx, but this is the first time in years I am really glad I no longer live on the Lower East Side (LES) my peeps took pics and the East River is running through Baruch Houses, where I was born and raised. Cars are under water and the power is out.
LES Lady
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