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Lost In The Crates II (Hip Hop/Funk)

Posted by Hamza21 
Registered: 13 years ago
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avatar Re: Lost In The Crates II (Hip Hop/Funk)
October 03, 2014 02:38AM
The song is at 9:46 - 10:47

Yeah, thanks for the time stamp. I like the OG version of that song much better although I do like a lot of Deb P's productions and mixes.


My time is limited thus my time on any forums is limited. I'll come thorugh more often but can't gurantee I can add to converstaion as my focus on music is waning.

we are confused ((nocomment))

I know you are busy man, we all are busy with our lives but you ain't exactly selling your mixes with that. I realize they are free and you must care enough to post them for free but if your focus on music is waning, I don't know how else to put it but, old geezer Once you lose interest you shouldn't even bother.

There was a time when we actually debated about Hip Hop on DJ Forums not that long ago, mostly we were on different planes but at least you had it in you. This isn't 'that' place nor is it 'that' time but don't patronize, I'm not buying it.

Now If you don't read this, it wouldn't surprise me since you are basically web-blasting your mixes anywhere possible for the exposure, you never were a real contributing member, so I don't feel guilty telling you how you come off, but don't forget there's a million other bedroom DJs out there giving away music for free that no one bothers downloading.

Basic one on one communication and relating to your potential audience is a lesson you still haven't figured out. You sound utterly spent when you say shit like...


my focus on music is waning

Like I said, I'm not gonna delete your mixes, this is an open forum and I don't censor real people just spammers, but don't expect a lot of enthusiasm for your output when you are uninterested in learning more about music. That's the exact opposite of the point of this place.

“Lesser artists borrow... great artists steal.” - Igor Stravinsky
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Registered: 11 years ago
Posts: 35
Status: Student
Re: Lost In The Crates II (Hip Hop/Funk)
October 03, 2014 08:50PM
My focus on music is waning due to several reasons, most primarily it doesn't make me any income. I earn a living doing others things thus my time is limited.

Also due to so much crap to filter through to find quality music these days yet I still find mixes to post on my site, twice a week, plus other mixes on Mixtape Unites,once a week, and posting free music every Friday starting today on my Facebook and Twitter pages and finding new music to add to my crates. I will say I listen to more music than most people in a week than they do in a month. I'm not even counting all the music that gets sent my way by email.

Yet, as I stated before music doesn't put money in my pocket. I have to earn a living thus instead 16-18 hours a day online , when I didn't need a income and had a solid nest egg to pay my expenses, life has changed I need to focus on building a stable income online.

As far as my mixes, they are there for those who want them. I know most heads have moved on from underground Hip Hop yet there is still audience out there. I produce and post mixes solely for those who want them not for fame nor money. With my mixes, though I experimented with different genres, I building a legacy of underground Hip Hop mixes for now and in the future for those who want them.

I will always make mixes and will always listen to music but not as much as before. My priorities have shifted.

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