Introduction, Our Mission, and Rules
Posted by rchecka 



Introduction, Our Mission, and Rules

crate digging

photo by rchecka


Put simply, if you love discussing music and expanding that knowledge with other music fans, this forum is for you.   Regardless of whether you have records, CDs, tapes, mp3s, or none of the above you are welcome here.   No collector is too new, no collection is too small.  As long as you are passionate about music culture and you bring with you a unique perspective and desire to build with us and learn, you are family here.

Our Mission

  • To become a crate digging resource and knowledge base built upon information shared by true music fans.  Regardless of format, sharing and discussing music and learning from like-minded collectors is our celebrated primary focus.
  • We strive to build off our combined music experiences through peer to peer discussions and in the process we aim to become a trusted community where good people can come for camaraderie, entertainment and information.




The Rules:

  • Treat all members with respect.  We are all here to build, not knock down.  While debates are strongly encouraged, arguments and bullying should be avoided.  Avoid name calling. Keep it civil. 
  • Spam not is allowed.  However, friendly self-promotion by established members who contribute to the overall knowledgebase is allowed if you do so in good taste and it is not your sole purpose for posting at the Cratedigging Co-Op.  If you are unsure, feel free to send a PM to either myself or another moderator with a specific inquiry.  
  • No porn allowed, work browser friendly. 


We look forward to engaging in your discussions.  Please join us and become a member of our online community.