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Vent Here...

Posted by rchecka 
Registered: 13 years ago
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May 14, 2014 07:06PM
Selfies are starting to bug the fuck out of me. Especially ones that have the worlds most overrated actress Julia Robert's ugly mug in it.

^She has always looked like a horse face but on this pic you can actually hear her neighing.

“Lesser artists borrow... great artists steal.” - Igor Stravinsky
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Registered: 13 years ago
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avatar Re: Vent Here...
June 06, 2014 05:56PM
Today is one of those days where I especially hate computers. That's kind of a problem since working on computers is my job, but it's Friday and I'm done. I'm waiting for the slowest computer on the planet to let me right-click and I want to throw this guys PC down the stairs. I've been waiting for 5 fucking minutes for the machine to let me do jack and it's a newer machine. That's how fucking stupid computers are.

Lemmie just reiterate...

Computers... They're fucking stupid.

“Lesser artists borrow... great artists steal.” - Igor Stravinsky
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Registered: 13 years ago
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avatar Re: Vent Here...
June 07, 2014 03:45AM

This year is HORRIBLE for these, already bugging (pun intended) the shit outta me and they've only been here a week!

For as bad as last year was, this year is 10 fold.............ticks too.

Sorry I haven't visited in a while. I started a new job in april thats kicking my ass, plus I gotta work at 6 am........but I'm out at 2.
Registered: 13 years ago
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June 18, 2014 06:44PM
soap box rant

Shit like this is why I think teens are the worst people on the planet...

Today I was on my way to work out at 5:45 AM and I'm driving towards a gas station to get a Kind bar and a Gatorade and I notice this crazy fucking kid (maybe 17-19 years old) walking in the pouring rain drenched and darting off the sidewalk onto the street and then back on the sidewalk. As I was driving forward he jumped out in front of my fucking car not knowing I was turning into the gas station right there. So I parked in the lot and this punk ass little fuck follows my car, comes up to my passenger window and starts knocking on it.

"Roll down your window I wanna talk to you!" he says dripping with rain looking all bug eyed.
I looked at him and said "No." and stepped out to get my stuff inside.

He intercepts me and says
"Dude, all I want is a cigarette!"

I looked at him and said "Dude you look like a crazy man right now, back off right fucking now."
He's like "Gimmie a smoke man, that's all I want!"

At this point I could tell at 5:45 AM this dudes eyes were uber dialated and he musta been on acid or meth or shrooms or I don't fucking know what but he was losing it big time. I walked around him and he stays right by my car waiting for me to come back.

"Buy me some smokes man, Marbs!" "I'll pay you back!" he yells at my back as I'm walking inside.

"Seriously go fuck yourself kid! And stay away from my car." I said back to him.

So I went inside and told the clerk she had some kid on acid pandering for smokes in the pouring rain and she says

"Did he have a blue shirt on?"
"I can't believe he came back, wait right here!"

She goes outside and I see them yelling at each other and I'm thinking how great the day is starting out as I wait for her to come back and ring my ass up. I didn't hear much but she said "I'm calling the cops!" and as soon as she said that he darted off in a full out sprint and in no time I lost sight of him. He was all jacked up on some powerful shit cuz it was like watching a Flash Gordon episode.

She comes back in and tells me that he came in around 3 AM and asked her where the Vitamin Water was, she pointed to them, he yells "Sorry!" and steals one and runs out the door.

SERIOUSLY WTF is it with fucking teenagers being simultaneously entitled and absolute belligerent little worthless fucks nowadays? The kid probably sprinted home and played X-box 360 drinking his ripped off vitamin water next to his poor little sister eating Lucky Charms and that little sister just wants to watch Frozen. But he's probably too busy FREAKING OUT at the 3D effects melting on the screen. "OH MY GOD DID THAT GUYS FACE JUST START MELTING MOLLY!?" type shit for real.


I know I was a dumbass kid too but was I ever that much of an dumbass? Honestly, I don't remember but I seriously fucking doubt it.

“Lesser artists borrow... great artists steal.” - Igor Stravinsky
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Registered: 13 years ago
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avatar Re: Vent Here...
June 19, 2014 06:00PM
Here's an idea. Why not turn this thread into my own little bitch session about mundane shit? Kay?!?


Today I wanna talk about stupid people who buy butt-ugly cars and think they look good because they have the absolute worst taste ever.

Marketing Guy: "Let's put fake wood paneling on a piece of shit Chrysler and call it the PT Cruiser and we can sell it to all the dumbass white baby boomers going thru midlife crisises. Let's face it, minivans ain't even trying to be cool so let's make one!"


I'm not surprised at all the people online who despise these things in blog posts and top ugliest cars lists. What I am surprised at is how many people think they look cool driving around in these shitty ass Chryslers. Everything that company ever made turns to shit a month later and this dad-rock minivan is somehow still popular enough to be seen on every road everywhere.

The mere sight of that car pisses me off.angry smiley I guaran-fucking-tee the reason people who drive these things drive like tipsy dumbasses is because they are distracted trying to tune in Taylor Swift on their car radios.

“Lesser artists borrow... great artists steal.” - Igor Stravinsky
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