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avatar Reddit Vinyl = Newb Land
February 24, 2013 06:57PM
I'm not one to try to bash other forums, but these guys are so utterly huge in visits compared to our site...

Still, I'm far from jealous when I pop in from time to time and see the stupidest touristy questions on the planet.

It's like every single one of these guys bought a turntable second hand yesterday and still haven't figured out that you need a mixer or preamp to make the sounds come out the speakers. Seriously they are all clueless newbie dumbasses, every single one of em.

The one Hip Hop thread in the whole place

Here, let me photograph my 5 records and IKEA setup for you so you can gawk at how cool I am

Q: Did I get ripped off by buying this Beatles album, A: Yes, you are a tool and you fell for it.

There are too many tourist posts to post, I can't even scrape the surface of how amazingly new these guys are.

“Lesser artists borrow... great artists steal.” - Igor Stravinsky
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Registered: 12 years ago
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Re: Reddit Vinyl = Newb Land
February 24, 2013 09:22PM
I've seen that too...but I gotta say, I don't know why you're upset. That place is clearly for "tourists" as you mentioned, ie. those folks newly infatuated with the format more than the music. Either way, people gotta start somewhere, it's clearly obnoxious as shit that people post pictures of their latest pick-ups, collections, etc. but keep it moving, they're not hurting your/our thing here. Obviously all IMO and as respectfully as possible. DJ
Registered: 12 years ago
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Re: Reddit Vinyl = Newb Land
February 24, 2013 09:28PM
^^^ I will say, it is pretty funny to see those comments of "I'm so jealous you got [that record that was just released a couple months ago on vinyl]" as if it's hard to find or special. These are mostly teens and college-kids from the looks of it without expendable cash to spend on records, can't hate on that, but it's a different crowd that's probably not worth the time for anyone that actually spends a good deal of time thinking about digging and collecting.
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avatar Re: Reddit Vinyl = Newb Land
February 24, 2013 10:29PM
I've seen that too...but I gotta say, I don't know why you're upset.

I'm definitely not upset. More like amused by the sheer newbie smell overpowering that forum. I don't live there but rarely do I see even a remotely experienced comment from anyone, seems like they are all in good company.

they're not hurting your/our thing here. Obviously all IMO and as respectfully as possible. DJ

No they ain't hurting anyone here, and I ain't hurting them either, I've commented a few times and (for me) I'm playing nice. Unless they are members here and logged in they can't see this thread in the General Forum. I have a feeling if they could read it they wouldn't care either way, they'd probably see me as an old guy venting about kids these days.old geezer Which I am.((giggle))

(Cuing up Please Hammer Don't Hurt Em)

These are mostly teens and college-kids from the looks of it without expendable cash to spend on records,


For the most part they aren't trying to spend it on anything that isn't still sealed in shrink rap either.

“Lesser artists borrow... great artists steal.” - Igor Stravinsky
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Registered: 13 years ago
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avatar Re: Reddit Vinyl = Newb Land
February 24, 2013 11:21PM
I am jealous of this guys Flaming Lips collection though, talk about thorough!

Pics of that collection.


Realistically I'll never find all of them, wish I could, but most of those are OOP.

“Lesser artists borrow... great artists steal.” - Igor Stravinsky
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