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Help Wanted: Writers and Writers Needed!

Posted by rchecka 
Registered: 13 years ago
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avatar Help Wanted: Writers and Writers Needed!
March 09, 2011 06:53PM
Admittedly, Uptownkid and me are not graffiti artists. REALLY!?! eye popping smiley No big shocker there. Nor are we art critics or experts in the long rich history of it. We know the general history of graffiti art, but both of us feel that defining it would be better suited to someone who is an actual graffiti artist (or at the very least one that is retired.)

Here's how DJ was defined.
Here's how MC was defined.

Using that same format, and approximate word count, we are looking for a graffiti definition written by a qualified graffiti writer. Eventually, every single element on the Periodic Table of Hip Hop Elements will be defined on The Breakdown page. Sure, we could do the research, and whip up a definition in layman's terms, but the whole point of Official Periodic is to become a real online resource that changes as often as Hip Hop changes. We understand that is only possible with a wide collaboration of various trueschoolers that are experts in their field.

If you are qualified to write up a short definition of Graffiti, please apply here by posting on this thread. You can PM or email the actual writing to us, but mention your interest here on this thread.

Also, brag a little bit about your work. Tell us why you are qualified also, show pics of your works on this thread if possible.

The reward for your written contribution:

  • Author Credit on the Breakdown page.
  • Knowing you are helping define an essential facet of Hip Hop in a clear and concise way.

Thanks in advance.

“Lesser artists borrow... great artists steal.” - Igor Stravinsky
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Registered: 13 years ago
Posts: 49
Status: Student
Re: Help Wanted: Writers and Writers Needed!
May 26, 2011 03:00PM
iF someonE coulD onlY finD thaT kiD "EVER" whO sprayeD everY traiN anD bridgE, oN the easT coasT. thaT woulD bE A greaT finD foR intervieW oR knowledgE.

"So I Think You Betta Use Me!!! Before I Let Go.."
Registered: 13 years ago
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avatar Re: Help Wanted: Writers and Writers Needed!
June 15, 2012 08:50PM
UPDATE: 6-15-2012


OP's Breakdown was just updated to include Crate Digging Element and Hip Hop Forum Element definitions. We are still looking for new writers for some of the other elements, especially from those who are versed in Grafitti and Underground to write on those 2 subjects.

New writeups are coming eventually for all the elements but we could use a little help from our friends, it would really help make the table more diverse with input from good peoples, not to mention more interesting so please consider volunteering if you can.

Boom Bap did you ever ask that graf writer you know to drop a write up?

“Lesser artists borrow... great artists steal.” - Igor Stravinsky
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