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The Presidential Debate

Posted by rchecka 
Registered: 13 years ago
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avatar Re: The Presidential Debate
October 11, 2012 08:41PM
^I'm listening...

That's more like it, stop the presses! Good debate. Keep on keeping on, that's great.

I'll add that most people who fear Obamacare do so out of ignorance, completely unaware of how it will hurt or help them personally based on fear mongering rhetoric. It's their lack of knowledge and understanding of it that makes it so scary to comprehend. Fear of the unknown is common, and "fear is the mindkiller" (which is a great death metal album by fear factory BTW)

I'm a small business owner with 3 mouths to feed, (5 if you include our two good for nothing cats). I can't afford health insurance now period. I am looking forward to Obamacare quite frankly to see how it will work. Our system is broke right now and the fact that Obama was even able to push this thru the legislature is nothing short a miracle given it technically was on the agenda of the last 3 presidents before him. I think that shows his character, he is a finisher. When he puts his mind to it he finished it, that is a good leader. The new healthcare system won't be perfect, but without testing the waters and actually watching it work we can all bitch about how bad it is, but all that bitching is based on fear and speculation.

Boom Bap, as a resident of Michigan I figured you'd be sensitive to the fact that Barack bailed out and turned around Detroit. That town would be WAY worse if it wasn't for Obama betting on American ingenuity. Romney said, (in a nutshell) "Fuck Detroit." Now, all the sudden, American automobiles are top of the line again, they paid off their debt, and the entire bailout saved all kinds of auto part factories throughout the country, in effect saving thousands of jobs. Detroit auto is booming now (booming compared to where they were even 10 years ago) surely that has effected a lot of people in your hood, not to mention all the people in my hood who make spark plugs and belts and stuff like that.

Romney has changed his tune from "breaks for the wealthy" to "now I'm for the middle class" because someone told him that's how he can win. He has no intention of sticking with any of the flip flop promises he made, he'll always be about his rich friends and he'll fuck over the middle any chance he gets. The sad thing about this is, all the people that decided Romney is worth voting for weren't going to vote for him before his lies, but they wholeheartedly believe the bullshit and those gullible fools will fuck us.

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Registered: 13 years ago
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avatar Re: The Presidential Debate
October 11, 2012 09:20PM
...what would Dilla say...?

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avatar Re: The Presidential Debate
October 11, 2012 09:27PM


“Lesser artists borrow... great artists steal.” - Igor Stravinsky
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Registered: 13 years ago
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avatar Re: The Presidential Debate
October 11, 2012 09:54PM
Registered: 13 years ago
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avatar Re: The Presidential Debate
October 17, 2012 06:11PM
So Joe the VP kicked ass last week, Prez-O kicked ass last night. Think any of that matters any more or has everyone already decided?

I think it's pretty clear that both sides have their own fact checkers on everything said at the debates and everyone is hearing the facts they want to hear. Facts aren't even facts any more due to modern politics. It's all about my facts vs. your facts. ((needcoffee))confused smiley

Fact: I can't wait for the horrible negative political commercials with the sinister music in the background. They might be even more obnoxious than all the 'ukelele-as-primary-instruments-whilst-seniors-trot-blissfully' ads or the poop lady ads.

“Lesser artists borrow... great artists steal.” - Igor Stravinsky
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