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What Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2

Posted by rchecka 
Registered: 13 years ago
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avatar Re: What Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2
May 29, 2016 05:30PM
^^ beautifully said !! I don't hate on mainstream hip hop or feel that underground is the absolute truth either , I'm just missing the lack of content that hip hop was based on . I think I'm getting lazy in my old age though , because I feel like there is and has been for years , a lot of hip hop with no basis , message , and honestly no effort put forth in making it . All you have to do is create a ridiculous chant , mumble all your lyrics , create a dance , or as you said talk about ass and money to get shine . I used to spend hours ( on the daily ) searching out artists who stood out from that . I need to get back into that mind state and get back into supporting and spreading the word about those artist . They are definitely still out there . I agree that it shouldn't be a boom bap vs trap thing , but I am getting sick of everything I hear sounding like it comes from the same region and same producer . Am I just getting old and bitter ?? I'm not sure , but I am sure that I want to hear some originality and I pray that hip hop gets back to a point where lyricism is a key point . I want to get back to where you had to play and play and study lyrics to get them down . It wears me out to hear tracks where I feel like the verse and the hook have switched roles . And I'm sorry , but I miss the dope samples and the boom bap . I guess I just answered my old and bitter question , but that me and I can't change it .... Sorry about the ranting and raving ..
BTW , I started my day with this track in the headphones.

I couldn't write out a post that long with no actual music in it smiling smiley
Registered: 13 years ago
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avatar Re: What Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2
June 09, 2016 03:25PM
Das EFX in the headphones right now .

Very slept on album in my opinion .
Registered: 13 years ago
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avatar Re: What Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2
June 10, 2016 07:21PM
Jazz Liberatorz in the headphones at work today ..

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avatar Re: What Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2
June 10, 2016 08:37PM
^Jazz Liberators make some fantastic beats. I love those guys.

“Lesser artists borrow... great artists steal.” - Igor Stravinsky
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Registered: 13 years ago
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avatar Re: What Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2
June 13, 2016 07:31PM

DJ Signify - Unclean V. 1 and Sixtoo and Blockhead - Nobody's Smiling 7" (Bully Records)

^A nice dark romp thru some of Bully Records more interesting 7s.

DJ Signify I've always rated highly due to his darker boom bap beats. This record he appears to have sampled a postal old man bitching about being used by women and if you wait long enough you get to hear him literally flip his lid at the end of the song. The beats and ambience Signify builds around such at train wreck make it a strangely beautiful piece of musical art.

Sixtoo and Blockhead are both Ninja Tune vets, both distinctly different in their own beat-making styles but they mesh well on this one off collab.

I love Bully's Hip Hop sevens, I have a few more but not enough. I'm always looking for them when I'm out digging.

“Lesser artists borrow... great artists steal.” - Igor Stravinsky
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