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What Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2

Posted by rchecka 
Registered: 8 years ago
Posts: 9
Status: New Jack
avatar Re: What Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2
May 27, 2016 06:11PM
^^ Welcome aboard homie . Maybe if you don't mind , you could put us up on some hip hop from your side of the world . The hip hop section on the forum has been a little slow lately , and admittedly , hip hop has taken a back seat in my collection lately . We need to bring this section back to life .
This morning , I got some UTD in the headphones .

Yeah this forum is a bit slow. I've noticed there is not a lot of fresh daily content, but there is lots of content though. Yeah kind stuff I'm liking at the mo is these songs.

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avatar Re: What Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2
May 28, 2016 12:42AM

Yeah this forum is a bit slow. I've noticed there is not a lot of fresh daily content, but there is lots of content though.

That's a catch 22 we are dealing with. We have tons of traffic of daily lurkers coming in here expecting all kinds of daily content, banter, and updates, but if no one is talking obviously there won't be anything new to read. So they see the crickets and outta here.

Me and Uptown and Jaybrown used to keep this section hot, but it can't just be 3 people non stop, it needs to be everyone reading getting off their asses and drop a word or two.

Something like "I like this Hip Hop song right now." (fill in the blank)

^Takes about 3 seconds and sparks conversation.

We appreciate all input from all people, so as Jaybrown stated, we appreciate you joining and hope you can keep on contributing when you get time.

I personally need to get back on regular posting so I'm speaking to directly myself as well.

TLDR: Welcome aboard, you have a cool site BTW, and I hope you keep on dropping knowledge.

BTW: I'm a huge fan of the old school myself, but I'd add there's plenty of brand new stuff out there that is worth talking about as well. My favorite year will always be 1993, but 2016 has joints just like every other year.

My philosophy on Hip Hop is it's a young man's sport and the youth are always the leaders of the new school whether us old schoolers like it or not. They bring the fresh stuff, it has to be that way to keep it real, and that's the same as it ever was.

(Looks at the time) I had enough beer for that short rant and I'll try not to let it happen again.

“Lesser artists borrow... great artists steal.” - Igor Stravinsky
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Registered: 13 years ago
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avatar Re: What Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2
May 29, 2016 12:52AM
^^word !!
This morning ..

D.I.T.C. - The Remix Project 2 lp . First off , many thanks to Rchecka for hooking me up with this a while back . I gotta say that most of the time when I'm familiar with the original tracks , I tend to shy away from remixes , unless the beats are on point . That is definitely the case with this album . This is my 3rd listen and I can't find a track I dislike .

@ Thehiphoprecords , thanks for dropping the videos . Now for the questions from the ignorant American grinning smiley . Are those cats considered mainstream or is that what the underground dudes sound like over there ? I'm curious as to what the difference in the sound between your underground and mainstream . In my opinion , over here , mainstream hip hop tends to move away from the boom bap beats and strong lyricism . I like the second video you posted the best . It's tough to sound hard on a track that references chess throughout , but they managed to do it .

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2016 01:20AM by jaybrown.
Registered: 8 years ago
Posts: 9
Status: New Jack
avatar Re: What Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2
May 29, 2016 09:08AM

Yeah this forum is a bit slow. I've noticed there is not a lot of fresh daily content, but there is lots of content though.

That's a catch 22 we are dealing with. We have tons of traffic of daily lurkers coming in here expecting all kinds of daily content, banter, and updates, but if no one is talking obviously there won't be anything new to read. So they see the crickets and outta here.

Me and Uptown and Jaybrown used to keep this section hot, but it can't just be 3 people non stop, it needs to be everyone reading getting off their asses and drop a word or two.

Something like "I like this Hip Hop song right now." (fill in the blank)

^Takes about 3 seconds and sparks conversation.

We appreciate all input from all people, so as Jaybrown stated, we appreciate you joining and hope you can keep on contributing when you get time.

I personally need to get back on regular posting so I'm speaking to directly myself as well.

TLDR: Welcome aboard, you have a cool site BTW, and I hope you keep on dropping knowledge.

BTW: I'm a huge fan of the old school myself, but I'd add there's plenty of brand new stuff out there that is worth talking about as well. My favorite year will always be 1993, but 2016 has joints just like every other year.

My philosophy on Hip Hop is it's a young man's sport and the youth are always the leaders of the new school whether us old schoolers like it or not. They bring the fresh stuff, it has to be that way to keep it real, and that's the same as it ever was.

(Looks at the time) I had enough beer for that short rant and I'll try not to let it happen again.

People are just lazy nowadays. Typing is hard work for them. That's why sites like instagram blow up. You don;'t really have to do anything. Even Twitter, you know, a few words and your done. Actually sitting down, writing something is pain in the ass for most people. I dunno - I guess maybe I'm getting older and yeah, if it's just a few people keeping this going, that's hard work.

To be honest everyone comes on to a forum for different reasons. A lot of people come here to promote themselves or what they are trying to sell, irony is, to promote yourself, you have to sell yourself, posting a sound cloud link is not enough. You have to get actively involved.

Besides 80% of the stuff I hear from unsigned artists is garbage. Also I get the feeling that forums are a bit like barbers, in that they breed strong loyalty. People have one and they stick to it, that's where they put there work in.

But if you have lots of traffic, trust me your half way there. Next is to convert them into active members. But I think the best way to do that is have active convos, rather than a series of music links, but as you say that's the catch 22.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2016 09:08AM by TheHipHopRecords.
Registered: 8 years ago
Posts: 9
Status: New Jack
avatar Re: What Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2
May 29, 2016 09:26AM
^^word !!
This morning ..

D.I.T.C. - The Remix Project 2 lp . First off , many thanks to Rchecka for hooking me up with this a while back . I gotta say that most of the time when I'm familiar with the original tracks , I tend to shy away from remixes , unless the beats are on point . That is definitely the case with this album . This is my 3rd listen and I can't find a track I dislike .

@ Thehiphoprecords , thanks for dropping the videos . Now for the questions from the ignorant American grinning smiley . Are those cats considered mainstream or is that what the underground dudes sound like over there ? I'm curious as to what the difference in the sound between your underground and mainstream . In my opinion , over here , mainstream hip hop tends to move away from the boom bap beats and strong lyricism . I like the second video you posted the best . It's tough to sound hard on a track that references chess throughout , but they managed to do it .


They are not mainstream at all. They are very underground. Not that all mainstream stuff is bad or that underground stuff is good.

We run a radio show over here in the UK. We receive hundreds of submissions from artists, beatmakers, and promoters that want us to play their songs on my next show. But I hate to say it, but there is a lot of really bad music out there. Now, this isn't a Boom Bap versus Trap situation at all. .

Out of 143 submissions, I kept maybe two dozen, if that. I also noticed the vocal delivery and quality of lyrics, and there's just nothing there. A lot of the vocals either have lyrics that are just plain boring like rapping about a girl shaking her ass, "make it shake, make it shake" (I'm not kidding), or about all the weed and money they're throwing in the air. Hopsin's "No Words" video sums up perfectly what's going on:

If a beatmaker were to isolate themselves for an entire year in a cabin with no internet, what would happen to their beats? I don't know how they would sound, but I guarantee those beats would have a unique style that the beatmaker created. The same applies to a rapper writing and spitting lyrics.

But with influence coming from all directions today, from the internet specifically, it's no wonder everything sounds the same.

It's true that influence can be a good thing, like if an artist wants to be inspired, but it's what you do with it that will determine what your music will sound like.

With that being said, I don't know where Rap music is headed. It seems that we're so far off course that it's almost impossible to come back. The music industry is all about money, sales, marketing, promotion, and so much more that I really can't say what's going to happen.

All I do know is that Hip Hop is in serious need of fixing, and it all starts with the artist and music fans in general. Whether you're a beatmaker, rapper, producer, manager, or anything in between, it's time to change the game.

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