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Reddit Vinyl = Newb Land

Posted by rchecka 
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 294
Status: Street Knowledge
Re: Reddit Vinyl = Newb Land
February 25, 2013 02:14AM
I've seen that too...but I gotta say, I don't know why you're upset.

I'm definitely not upset. More like amused by the sheer newbie smell overpowering that forum. I don't live there but rarely do I see even a remotely experienced comment from anyone, seems like they are all in good company.

they're not hurting your/our thing here. Obviously all IMO and as respectfully as possible. DJ

No they ain't hurting anyone here, and I ain't hurting them either, I've commented a few times and (for me) I'm playing nice. Unless they are members here and logged in they can't see this thread in the General Forum. I have a feeling if they could read it they wouldn't care either way, they'd probably see me as an old guy venting about kids these days.old geezer Which I am.((giggle))

(Cuing up Please Hammer Don't Hurt Em)

These are mostly teens and college-kids from the looks of it without expendable cash to spend on records,


For the most part they aren't trying to spend it on anything that isn't still sealed in shrink rap either.

Preach! We're on the same page here for sure.
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 294
Status: Street Knowledge
Re: Reddit Vinyl = Newb Land
February 25, 2013 02:18AM
I haven't gotten into the Flaming Lips too heavily (no vinyl, some digital) but that is some serious collection there!
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 349
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avatar Re: Reddit Vinyl = Newb Land
February 26, 2013 07:45AM
Never knew about this website until you posted the info,RC.
Over 9,000 hits on this one topic in a day?Is that really real?
If so, I shake my head.

I see you dropped by the place here and there,RC.
The only thing I can tell you is that maybe you can enlighten them on some things that may help them in the future and further expand their musical horizons.Or invite some of them over here.In any case,don't feel too disappointed.
There are oldschoolers,legends,producers,cratediggers,etc that are out there right now that don't know the jest of their craft and IMO are just as bad as these guys.You would be surprised at the level of misinformation that is past about on the net by people who we assume would have known better.But it is what it is.
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avatar Re: Reddit Vinyl = Newb Land
February 26, 2013 06:47PM
i bet you all those hits were fabricated by some software.....boba fett

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avatar Re: Reddit Vinyl = Newb Land
February 27, 2013 12:05AM
^No, those hits are quite real. Trust me, Reddit is the mega forum of forums. Go to Reddit.com. They literally have every single kind of forum you can imagine under their top level... Gardening, Firearms, Books, you name it they got it.

Someone linked to my record shelves plans from Reddit and I got well over 1000 hits on that one blog from that one topic.

That's how I found out about them, I was looking at the spike in my stats and was like WTF?!?! What is reddit??

Yeah, BM, no doubt on recruiting them, hopefully that'll happen, we could always use more heads.

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