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What Movies Have You Been Watching Lately?

Posted by rchecka 
Registered: 13 years ago
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Re: What Movies Have You Been Watching Lately?
December 06, 2012 03:06PM

^^copped that on DVD yesterday and watched last night....it's a little long, over 2 hours, but probably the most detailed and in-depth documentary about him (that i've seen). Best Buy has this for sell on the cheap-cheap.....

..i found this write up on some other place, online.


With that said, here are Inity Weekly’s TOP 5 reasons you MUST watch “Marley” this 4/20…

1. Amazing Cinematic Quality for a Reggae Film

Film quality is routinely overlooked, but crude quality can be distracting. As hard as it is to admit, most reggae films, music videos, etc. have pretty drab cinematic quality. “Marley” is the complete opposite. This movie has HD/Blu-ray quality and clearly was edited by the best the industry has to offer.

2. Coverage of Marley’s Early Life

Without giving too much away, the movie covers Marley’s white father and his family in as much detail as possible. Rarely do we hear about Marley’s father much less Marley’s father’s family. There are some facts about Marley’s father that may shock you. What might shock you even more is Marley’s father’s family and their reaction to Bob Marley the reggae artist, turned Rastafarian, turned worldwide superstar.

3. Sir Coxsone Dodd’s Relationship With Bob Marley and Subsequent Record Label Feud

Most know that Bob Marley started on Sir Coxsone Dodd’s Studio One record label. However, most of us in the Knitting Lounge audience had NO idea that Dodd treated Marley like his own son. We ALSO didn’t know that Marley and Dodd had a falling out that led to the pair establishing feuding record labels. It went so far as Bob Marley and the Wailers practically making a “diss” track for Dodd and his record label associates.

4. Coverage of Legendary Concerts

It goes without saying that Marley awed fans in concert after concert throughout his career. BUT who knew that three of his biggest concerts had more political influence across three continents than six Geneva Conventions combined? Which concerts, you ask? You will have to see the movie on 4/20 to find out.

5. Last Days in Bavaria

Marley moved to the mountains of Bavaria, Germany after he found out his cancer spread throughout his body and had become seemingly incurable. During this time, Marley made a controversial decision about his hair. If you know anything about Rastafarian culture, you know that dreadlocks are a staple and Rastafarians would never drastically alter them… or would they?

Let’s be honest, though, these five reasons probably will not make or break your decision to go see the “Marley” movie. The important thing to remember is that there is a reason why millions of people worldwide clung to every word Bob Marley sang during his recording days. If you or anyone you know is unclear what that reason is, then you MUST see this movie on 4/20. Likewise, if you are an ENORMOUS Marley fan, then you MUST see this movie because it is your civic duty. But seriously, from one reggae fan to another, this movie is great and does the reggae legend justice. Enjoy it and remember, “We told you so.” Peace and Inity! - Shomari Ward


I need to see this, judging by the write-up.

I never understood why Marley is held in high regard.
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avatar Re: What Movies Have You Been Watching Lately?
December 06, 2012 04:45PM
^Looks really good, I would like that and the parts about Lee Perry too.

Last night took my wife to see The Campaign...

I don't remember laughing so hard in a movie in years, this has so many funny parts. Watch this for sure.

yeah man!! funny as hell! i rented it on Red Box and ended up buying it afterwards becuase i liked it so much!

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avatar Re: What Movies Have You Been Watching Lately?
December 06, 2012 06:20PM
My wife and I saw this this weekend...


After downing a half bottle of wine at dinner my wife fell asleep during it. I kept prodding her awake, it was REALLY great but she's not a sci-fi buff so she wasn't feeling it.

I thought it was KICK ASS. Seriously, my favorite of the Alien movies besides Alien and Aliens, plot was great, the suspense was crazy. Not scary, just high suspense and action after the usual long character building.

Watch this.

Man I'm a sci-fi lover myself and most of the time still reads that kind of book, and I felt like "Fuck, there's no way i would have spent 10 bucks for an empty scenario like that one". Even rewatching the Alien trilogy (not talking about the 4th one) is a greater experience to me than having to suffer of the stupid situations, when nobody is brilliant enough to go friendly visit an unknown and potentially hostile planet. Seriously, who will ever send uninformed militarists on a new planet, based on constellation stars pattern....? Also if I do agree they tried to build their character, there wasn't much to understand and to identify to when they started to commit mistakes after mistakes. Action is nothing where there is no brain, cause it's what a science fiction movie is: something that makes think again about life. Well at least to me. For action and brains dead you have action movies! Hell man I hope they are more efficient live! Don't go and hop on a landmine before all precautions were taken, see what I mean?

Ok, sorry for me being a bit pushy but I felt bad to believe the movie would be better than that. I don't want to spend money to see some sort of reboiled fish soup stappled with beautiful magazines cuts and hear it's called caviar.

Sall good man, no need to apologize for not liking it, but for the record I thought it was cool.

Speaking of cool... and sci-fi...


Picard is the new villain?

“Lesser artists borrow... great artists steal.” - Igor Stravinsky
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Registered: 11 years ago
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avatar Re: What Movies Have You Been Watching Lately?
December 09, 2012 01:33PM
Haven't seen yet, but actually watched a documentary yesterday on record stores situation in the UK, there's a full length doc which was released in September 2012 called Last Shop Standing. Reall looks essential. Somebody have it?
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avatar Re: What Movies Have You Been Watching Lately?
December 12, 2012 10:32PM

^^^this is like a modern-day version of the movie, 'Creepshow'....mixed with a little bit of 'The Shining'....with a sprinkle of, 'Saw'


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