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Vent Here...

Posted by rchecka 
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December 17, 2012 09:13PM

A little thing like locking classroom doors,while in session seems like a reasonable measure. Bulletproof glass the classroom doors, having a cop in each school are more expensive but as a parent with a kid in school I would be willing to pay more for that change too. I donno, how do you make a school or any public place psycho-proof? It can't be done. No one ever seems to see any warning signs until it's too late.

Not sure if that is rhetoric...

....but, in any event, sounds like good points (and questions) to address to your local and state politicians and school boards alike.

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December 17, 2012 10:53PM
^Just brainstorming some feasible ideas really. The locking of classroom doors is such a small thing, it wouldn't be a big expense for schools across America unlike the cop idea. would it have stopped this guy? Probably not, but maybe it woulda slowed him down and saved a life or 2. I think the president wasn't lying when he said changes gotta be made, I believe he's adamant about this, but I don't know what measures he intends to propose. And I'm sure just like everything else he's gonna have to cut through all kinds of politics to make any kind of safety improvement no matter how small or large.

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Registered: 11 years ago
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December 18, 2012 06:23PM
...just as long as he doesn't (ultimately) try and funk with the second amendment and/or put bans on stuff, i'm cool with what he has to say.

The Second Amendment will not be abolished,but congress is going to go all out for the assault weapons ban.No one has any problem with keeping and bearing arms for your personal protection,the protection of your family,residence and property.The types of arms available for civilians to have will come under the microscope again.The thinking is that unless their is a platoon or company strength unit trying to get inside your house to harm you,why would you need a weapon of war?That will be the argument.

The defense will be,suppose if it is just several or just one individual that is in possession of platoon or company strength armaments?Like in the horror of Sandy Hook or Columbine.You can't bring a knife to a gun fight.They got their work cut out for them.

We have unalienable rights.
In 2012, there are still many countries that do not have these rights.
The ability to be who you want to be, pursue what you want to pursue,
go where you want to go,see what you want to see,ask questions about whatever intrigues you,etc.
These rights do not come unabashed.People have literally fought and died for us to have these rights.
The issue is that everyone has the same rights,well...atleast on paper.
So while there are thousands of responsible gun owners, there will be the percentage of irresponsible gun ownersand the mentally deficient.

Outside of an inside tip or some early information,stopping these types of things will be hard to do.
We have 300 million people in this country moving FREELY.Those children......
Those little angels,sadly and horrifcally became lambs on the altar of that freedom that we live by.
This is the horrible irony of this terrible event.Our government does not have the ability,the legal power or economics to lockdown an entire country.

So what changed? Why are these things happening?
No one knows for sure.I am by no means an intellect or a person that has a degree in studying human behavior,but my simple theory is based upon our denegration of our human development over the last 30 years.Because of our technology, we have advanced in ways to make communication and basic task easier,but we all but eliminated the basic premises of the premordial need for human contact.
In order to understand how human beings think and behave,you have to be there up close and personal with each otherduring the beginnings of life, to prewire our brains for our entire existance.The playgrounds seem to be empty,Kids barely play outside anymore.How can you learn how to develop your social skills in life when you do not have practice?

For many years the TV has babysitted the kids,daycare centers and relatives have replaced parents.
Almost nothing is off limits anymore, seeing something graphic is now just an after thought.
Well, if these things happen over periods of time, it becomes the norm.
That's where we have evolved in a short period of time.

I remember down the dial..when RChecka got into a debate with someone on the issue of cratediggin.
I think it was about music,mp3's etc.I'm not sure who he was talking with.I remember something that he said which covered alot of ground in how I personally feel about somethings.RC mentioned that it was the entire thing.It wasn't just the music, it was the atmosphere, it was the feel of the records, the landscape, the colors,etc..He was talking about the HUMAN aspect of enjoying something.It is bigger than just what is on the surface.
We don't get there anymore because our social mediums all but eliminated it.

Our children need this,as early as we can get it to them.
I know we can't go back into time or abolish all of our technological advances,
but we as a people have a responsibility to get our children the skills that are necessary for them to
survive on this planet.

In going forward...you don't go forward.You don't forget..it's not the big plans,it's the smallest things
we do that have the most profound affect in our lives.You just make it a point to do something today that you feel will better your childrens tomorrow.

There are somethings that our governments cannot do for us.
That is teach us how to be human beings.
7 Billion people have to figure this out for themselves.
Don't let those little angels passing be in vain.
You CAN make a difference.

Registered: 13 years ago
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December 18, 2012 09:13PM
^^ i feel you on that, BM...deep words.

....on the topic of (possible) future restrictions and/or bans......as the late, great Charlton Heston's said...

Registered: 13 years ago
Posts: 305
Status: Street Knowledge
Re: Vent Here...
December 19, 2012 02:08AM
You live in the safest country in the World with regards to attacks from the outside. But you still feel the need to arm yourselves against each other.

Doesn't make sense.
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