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Krautrock, Psychedelia, Progressive Rock, "Outsider" Rock, Etc.

Posted by LionsMouth 
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avatar Krautrock, Psychedelia, Progressive Rock, "Outsider" Rock, Etc.
October 29, 2015 08:11PM
For this thread I'm thinking anything from Faust to Conrad Schnitzer to Gabriel-era Genesis to Comus to Cromagnon and all points in between. I know some of you have some wild albums that many of us have probably never heard. Share them here and tell us about them.


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avatar Re: Krautrock, Psychedelia, Progressive Rock, "Outsider" Rock, Etc.
October 31, 2015 10:52PM
Gentle Giant - Octopus LP

70s prog from the UK. I really like this album, even though in my teen punk/hardcore days I would've railed against anything like this. There are mellow, noodly bits, some old-timey sounding sections, but then it gets appropriately heavy and starts rocking at other times. It doesn't overstay it's welcome either. If you have any interest in prog at all, or want to try out some good stuff, grab this LP. You can probably get it for $5 or so. One thing though: condition is a factor with this album because of all the quiet/loud parts. I've got two different copies of it, and both have some some ticks and surface noise during the quiet parts despite looking really nice. Not sure if it's an issue on the more recent reissue or not. This particular copy has the die cut cover, but my other copy does not. UK copies have different cover art.


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avatar Re: Krautrock, Psychedelia, Progressive Rock, "Outsider" Rock, Etc.
November 04, 2015 07:10AM
Juicy Lucy - Juicy Lucy

1970 - ATCO Records US
The aural equivalent of stepping in deep, thick, dark mud in bare feet - dirty, gritty, gooey, more than a whiff of funk. Thick, bluesy, groovy stuff - definitely some New Orleans rhythm going on here.

Link to the full album - be sure to check out She's Mine, She's Yours, and Are You Satisfied - the latter sounds like they're channeling Dr. John.

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avatar Re: Krautrock, Psychedelia, Progressive Rock, "Outsider" Rock, Etc.
November 11, 2015 02:51AM
Roedelius - Durch Die Wuste LP

Most people have probably heard this guy's work from Cluster/Kluster. If you like those groups, you will like this. Most of it has kind of an odd, semi-creepy (but dreamlike) vibe, and the LP is pretty much all instrumental, which is fine. This LP was originally released on Sky Records. My copy is the Bureau B reissue that IIRC has been out for a few years.


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avatar Re: Krautrock, Psychedelia, Progressive Rock, "Outsider" Rock, Etc.
December 24, 2015 05:21PM
Eka Sapta

The sitar break is insane

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