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What Non Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2

Posted by rchecka 
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avatar Re: What Non Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2
August 12, 2015 12:08AM
Red Rockers - Condition Red LP

Early 80s Punk Rock that take a lot more from pre-hardcore 70s punk bands like the Clash than any of their contemporaries. This is the kind of record that only punk collectors probably know about as it has gotten very little exposure over the years. I can't remember where I first heard of it. Maybe an old music blog or something? I don't know.

Anyway, I hunted for this album for a long time back when I was taking a break from vinyl. This album has never been legitimately reissued IIRC, so that means the 1st pressing is the only pressing, unless you want to hunt for a German bootleg CD like I did for years and never find it for a reasonable price.

These guys did make some records after this, but their style shifted considerably. If you want the punk rock stuff, this is the only LP of theirs that you need.




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avatar Re: What Non Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2
August 12, 2015 12:45AM
^Strange co-inkydink! Great minds........ smileys with beer

^I just got this in the beginning of the month. I already had the photo uploaded and was gonna drop words on it myself when I got a minute, now I don't have to.

I really like it, pretty simple stuff overall, as often some of the best stuff is, but more importantly it's very "real". I also like the overall buildup of the album, it's got a good flow to it.

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Registered: 9 years ago
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avatar Re: What Non Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2
August 12, 2015 01:39AM
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avatar Re: What Non Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2
August 12, 2015 02:27AM
Madness - One Step Beyond

Not much to stay about this. Classic 2 Tone Ska and you can probably pick this up really cheap. I'm not sure if I would rate this quite as high at the debut albums from the Specials and The English Beat, but it's good.


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avatar Re: What Non Hip Hop Are You Listening To Today? pt2
August 12, 2015 02:33AM
The Jam - All Mod Cons

Third LP from the Jam, often said by some to be their best. As good as it is, I like their next two LPs more. Since adding this to my collection I now have both reissue LPs (via a recent box set) and old LP copies (mix of UK/US/CA pressings) of all their studio albums, in addition to a CD boxset I acquired a few years back. Now I just need to get some of those pricey super deluxe editions they've been doing of some of the albums. scared nervous

Yeah, you could say I'm a big fan, though not nearly as overboard as some out there.


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